Aspects of a good dust coat

Dust coats are a loose fitting, light, lengthy coats that are used to protect one’s clothes from dust and other contaminants.

Dust coats come in various sizes such as small, medium large and Extra-large. Safety work dust coat are also available in different colors such as grey dust coat, navy blue dust coat and white dust coat wear.

It takes just a small equipment malfunction or an accidental spill at work place to be a tragedy. Recently, one of the researchers at a renown university suffered severe burns as a result of acid spillage. No work place is immune to such accidents.

It is therefore, paramount for us to ensure that all workers are properly fitted with personal protective equipments to reduce the risk. Dust coats and safety overalls form part of the personal protective equipments. In a research consucted at the University of Nairobi,  the charges for burns at hospitals ranges from kes 20,000 to kes 50,000 depending on the stay.

Factors to consider when purchasing dust coats

Here are some of the 4 key factors to consider when purchasing a dust coat.

1. Protection

One of the aspects to consider is whether the dust coat or lab coat offers maximum protection. Workshop should be made from premium fabrics and stitched professionally to ensure that there is zero leakage.

Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), dictates that it is mandatory for employers to pay and provide for PPE to the employees. By so doing, employers provide industrial dust coat to the workers to ensure that they are safe.

Dust coats and their Use

  • Fire retardant dust coats as per OSHA safety standards should be worn in arrears where there is high heat or near fire to prevent burns
  • Disposable dust coats

This is a type of dust coat that is made from disposable type of material. The disposable dust coats are worn in highly contamination areas. They are only worn once and carefully disposed to kill the contaminants.

2. Comfort

Industrial dust coats should provide users with maximum comfort. This simply means that the fabric should be light weight and breathable.

Cotton dust coats provide flexibility which is crucial to technicians as they able them to adjust to any job position.

3. Fit

Safety dust coats and lab coats should be long enough. Good length on both the sleeves and body for good coverage.

Lab coats should not be tight as they will restrict the users movements.

4. Durable

Industrial dust coats should be durable to ensure that protective properties remain effective. For durability, ensure that dust coats are made from top quality fabric with double stitched seams

Dust coat price in Nairobi


Choosing the best work dust coat is very important for your safety. Choose lab coats that offer you top most protection against hazards such as chemicals, dust and  flame resistant. The above features for dust coats can help improve performance and keep you safe.

Accidents do happen but it is important to stay prepared!

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