Reasons for Buying a new safety boot


Reasons for Buying a new safety boot

Safety boots’ purpose is to ensure the safety of your foot, and their failure means they are not meeting their purpose anymore and need replacement.

Reasons for buying a new safety boot

The following are various reasons that you should think of buying a new safety boot:

⦁ Wear and Tear

Inspect the boot for any signs of wear and tear. Check whether

  • There are holes, rips, tears
  • Whether the toe cap is showing
  • Whether the inner protective guards showing
  • Whether the treads are worn out

Safety boots with any signs above are not ideal to keep you safe and are a sign that you should get new ones as your safety should come first.

⦁ Damage

The safety boots are made to protect the user from various hazards. That can be from falling objects, chemicals, flames, sharp objects, etc. Anytime this disaster occurs, the shoe takes the bullet for you. The shoe can get damaged even without showing any visible signs. If you notice any kind of damage, it’s advisable to change the footwear immediately.

⦁ Comfort

If you are not comfortable with the footwear, you should change it as soon as possible. The safety shoes are designed for comfortability as well as protection.

Hence protection and comfort can only be achieved if you wear the right shoe fit. Also, the wearer should leave size for thick socks in case they prefer wearing them to avoid them being uncomfortable. You should have both your feet measured to ensure that the foot size and the shape are perfect for the shoe you will select.

However, do not rely on the measurement alone as some shoes have marked sizes that differ depending on the shoe brand. Another misconception is shoe stretch over time, always go for shoes that fit you comfortably.

Check the depth of the shoe if it’s enough to fit your toes and leave a space at the end of the shoes for comfortability.

⦁ Usage

The work environments of users are different and the time they spend wearing the shoes also varies. The workers working in extreme conditions and for long hours are more likely to replace their shoes often than those working in less harsh environments and for few hours.


One quality of the safety boots is that they are waterproof. If the work boot has a leak making your legs and socks dump then that is a sign that you should change them. Some workplaces deal with corrosive spillages and hence do not risk continuing to wear them.

To avoid skin and feet conditions you should get some new footwear.

Check the outsoles

  • Inspect whether the soles are;
  • Worn out
  • Are they becoming smooth
  • Is the outsole separated from the boot
  • Are there holes in the outsoles?

In case of these signs, you need to replace the boot as soon as possible. The sole should be slip-resistant, acid-proof, oil-resistant, and waterproof all depending on your work environment. The midsoles also should be able to absorb shock and impact.

Lastly, the innersoles should be able to provide the comfort and support the feet need.

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In conclusion, your safety should come first and Safety Hub Co. LTD is here for you. Contact us and get advice on the right safety equipment, the proper footwear, and the right workers’ clothing suitable for you. Visit our online store at or email us at OR visit our stores located along Accra Rd, Junction Trade Center,7th floor Rm 704.

Your safety is our concern.

Safety Hub

Safety Hub Enterprises boasts as one of best safety equipment suppliers in Kenya and safety wear manufacturer. Buy safety boots, dust coats, dust masks,rain suit,safety helmets,bee suit,safety gloves , safety gumboots, respiratory masks etc.

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